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                             Understanding By Design Unit Template



Title of Unit

Native American tribes in Colorado 

Grade Level


Subject Area (s)

    Social Studies 

Time Frame

   4-6 Weeks   


    Missy Dunnion & Lesli Glenn  

Desired Results (Stage 1)

Essential Content (Subject Area) Standards and Benchmarks/Indicators

History Standard 1:  Organize and sequence events to understand the concepts of chronology and cause and effect in the history of Colorado

Evidence Outcome 1a.  Construct a timeline of events showing the relationship of events in Colorado history with events in United States.

1c.  Explain the cause-and-effect relationships in the interactions among people and cultures that have lived in or migrated to Colorado.

1d.  Identify and describe how major political and cultural groups have affected the development of the region.

History Standard 2:  The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas and themes in Colorado history and their relationships to key events in the United States.

2a.  Analyze various eras in Colorado history and the relationship between these eras and eras in United States history, and the changes in Colorado over time.

2b.  Describe interactions among people and cultures that have lived in Colorado.


Reading Standard 2:  Reading for All Purposes

Writing Standard 3:  Writing and Composition



National Education Technology Standards (Choose 2-3 to focus on)

                             Creativity and Innovation          Communication and Collaboration            Research and Information Fluency


       Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making         Digital Citizenship         Tech Operations and Concepts


Essential Questions

(connected to overarching and supporting understandings)

Overarching Understanding (“Big Idea”)

The contributions of the indigenous people have had significant cultural and historical impact.

1.  How have past events involving Native Americans and their diverse cultures  influenced present day Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region?

2.  Why is it important to know the sequence of events and these indigenous people in Colorado history?

3.  How have the Native Americans affected the development of Colorado?  


Supporting Understandings

1.  Understand the history and diverse cultures of the Native American tribes in Colorado and their influence on this region of the country.  

2.  Understand the connections between key periods in Colorado history to corresponding events in U.S. history.

3.  Understand the historical and cultural perspective of the Native Americans and the importance of how it relates to us today. 


Students will know…


Students will be able to…

1.  The names of the ten Native American tribes in Colorado.

2.  The languages, customs, and tribal community life specific to each tribe.

3.  The historical timeline for important events for Native Americans in Colorado.


1.  Select and use electronic and print sources effectively. 

2.  Name the ten Native American tribes in Colorado.

3.  Analyze a timeline marking the significant historical events in U.S. history as it pertains to the Native Americans.

4.  Describe the language, culture, and tribal community for each Native American tribe.

5.  Compare and contrast present day life for the Native Americans to their origins in Colorado.

6.  Apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. 









Assessment Evidence (Stage 2)


Assessment of Overarching Understanding/Big Idea


               Assessment Criteria (students will be able to… student application of Six Facets of Understanding)


               Assessment Tool (describe type of assessment tool to be used here - post completed tool with unit)


               Assessment Strategy (performance task description)


Your goal is to collaborate with another student to create a storyboard showing examples of the language, customs, and tribal community life relating to one of the ten Native American tribes in Colorado.  


Students are researchers, analyzers, and connectors 


Peers and parents    


Students will collaborate in pairs, then in teams of four compare/contrast and share information with the whole class through the jigsaw process.    


Students will research the Native American tribes in Colorado through educational websites.

Students will analyze the information gleaned from their research.
Students will publish their work using multimedia software.   

Students will create a test to measure the understanding of the tribes.



Students will create a class presentation to of the ten Native American tribes in Colorado.

Students will complete a self-assessment and group assessment of performance during the project.    

                   Evidence of development of supporting understandings, knowledge and skills

(identify assessment criteria, strategies and tools for each)

 1.  Criteria:  Students will be able to have meaningful and engaging discussions about the history and diverse cultures of the Native American tribes in Colorado and their influence on this region of the country.  

     Strategy:  Students will read, take notes, discuss chapters in Colorado history textbook and  develop storyboard.

     Tool: Storyboard


2.  Criteria:  Students will be able to analyze and connect the key periods for the Native Americans in Colorado history to corresponding events in U.S. history.

     Strategy:  Students will research and create timeline

     Tool:  Timelines completed by groups of students


3. Criteria:  Students will identify the historical and cultural perspectives of the Native Americans and describe the importance of how it relates to us today. 

     Strategy: Students will read, take notes, and compare/contrast relationships associated with past and present.

      Tool:  Venn Diagram















Evidence of student application of selected National Educational Technology Standards during the course of the unit? (Note: assessment of the NETS standards should be integrated with assessment of unit understandings, knowledge and skills and embedded within unit learning activities)





Learning Experiences (Stage 3)

                   Consider the questions in the boxes below as you design learning experiences that support student achievement of desired results and exploration of unit essential questions.



                        Building Background/Connecting to Students’ Current Understandings, Knowledge and Skills





     B.  Student Exploration of Essential Questions


1.  How have past events involving Native Americans and their diverse cultures  influenced present day Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region?


Hook students by creating a mock experience based on Native American  cultural norms


Create storyboard



2.  Why is it important to know the sequence of events and these indigenous people in Colorado history?

Timelines completed by groups of students using Smartboard technology.




3.  How have the Native Americans affected the development of Colorado?  

Students will read, take notes, adn compare/contrast relationships associated with past and present using a Venn Diagram.












Use “Where To…” as a tool to assess the quality and scope of unit learning experiences.

How will you cause students to reflect and rethink?  How will you guide them in rehearsing, revising, and refining their work?



Where are your students headed?  Where have they been?  How will you make sure the students know where they are going?


How will you help students to exhibit and self-evaluate their growing skills, knowledge, and understanding throughout the unit?



How will you hook students at the beginning of the unit?

How will you tailor and otherwise personalize the learning plan to optimize the engagement and effectiveness of ALL students, without compromising the goals of the unit?



What events will help students experience and explore the big idea and questions in the unit?  How will you equip them with needed skills and knowledge?

How will you organize and sequence the learning activities to optimize the engagement and achievement of ALL students?





From:  Wiggins, Grant and J. Mc Tighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

   ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (ppk)